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Sydney Academy


What is the debate SOCIETY?

Since the 1970s, the Sydney Academy Debate Society has helped hundreds of Cape Breton students develop critical thinking and communication skills. It has enjoyed provincial, national and international success unprecedented for a Canadian public school. Sydney Academy founded and hosted the first Canadian Senior National Debate Championship in 1998 and then went on to win the tournament twice - in 1999 and 2004.


But the Debate Society is in jeopardy. Travel and registration costs for out-of-province tournaments are rising. Few students can afford to travel to these tournaments. Club enrollment is declining.


A fund for the Debate Society has been set up to provide financial support to bright students so that all SA students will have the opportunity to debate, regardless of background. The fund is supported entirely by private donors such as yourself!

"Open and honest debate is an essential component of well-functioning communities and organizations. I am reminded of that everyday in my work as a healthcare professional and as a researcher. I am forever grateful to the Sydney Academy debating club for the opportunity to hone this most elegant of intellectual crafts."


- Mona Gupta, '87

Send us a note

This website was created by current and former debaters who have realized the enormous benefits of what they experienced in high school.


If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts about this project, please let us know by using the form to the right! We will try to reply as quickly as possible. More information is avaliable on the Contact page.


We are also continuing to collect images and stories of past and current debaters - if you would like to contribute your story to our collection, please also contact us.

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